Sign the global petition against commercialization of GMO Maize in Mexico!

Don't let Monsanto and the Big Turkeys of Biotech gobble up the global corn harvest this Thanksgiving!  Sign the Global Petition.

It may be a time of thanksgiving for the harvest in North America  but in the boardrooms of Monsanto, Du Pont and Dow Agrosciences biotech executives may be saving their biggest thanks to the outgoing Mexican President: Felipe Calderon. 

In these last  dying days of his presidency, Calderon is widely expected to grant permission for the commercial planting of more than 2.5 million hectares of genetically modified maize (corn) in the global centre of origin and diversity for this important world food crop. if he does so this move of historical importance  would amount to a "knife in the heart" of both Mexico's ancient maize culture and the diversity of maize worldwide. 

You can read more about this scandal and the urgent threat to Mexico and the world's maize here.


Even if Calderon's agriculture ministry doesn't ready the paperwork in time for his departure, it is expected that the incoming government may still rush through an approval before the maize planting deadline of December 16th.This news has caused widespread alarm and upset in Mexico and around the world.

Please take a moment to  sign and support a  new international  petition against the impending commercialization of GMO maize in Mexico at

Once you've signed this please consider alerting your friends, family and allies, asking them to do likewise. This is not just a time to be thankful for the harvest but also to act to protect it too.

We have 6 days to stop President Calderon giving approval to GMO maize and three weeks to prevent any planting.

Please act now.

Many Thanks,

ETC Group.